
Free webinars on the topic "Internationalization"

As part of the 2021 Internationalization Program, Lombardy Region and Unioncamere Lombardia have scheduled a series of formative webinars, aimed at companies, trade associations, export consortia and professionals (lawyers and accountants).

It will consist of 10 free meetings, scheduled between the months of July and November, with the aim of supporting companies that operate in strategic foreign markets for the Lombardy territory. It will also be provided training courses on the main topics of internationalization. Furthermore, it will be discussed the innovations introduced to overcome the Covid emergency, helpful to recover the international growth of the companies.

The first webinar, which will be held on July 5, 2021, will be aimed at providing Italian entrepreneurs with updates and indications on how to take advantage of EXPO DUBAI 2021 for a lasting development of their business in the United Arab Emirates.

Please find attached the brochure with the events program and the flyer with the link to register for the first webinar.



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