
Announcement of selection: Linea internazionalizzazione plus

Non-repayable contributions and soft loans up to 500,000 euros

Regione Lombardia (Lombardy Region) has made available a call for proposals in favor of the internationalization of SMEs in Lombardy. Eligible are projects concerning integrated programs of international development, aimed at the creation of an articulated portfolio of services and activities for the participation in initiatives aimed at starting in a structured way and/or consolidate their business in foreign markets through the development and/or consolidation of the presence and the capacity of action of SMEs.

Eligible subjects

SMEs that have been registered and active in the business register for at least 24 months and have their operational headquarters in Lombardy at the time the grant is awarded are eligible to apply.


7,500,000 euros, of which:

- Euro 6,000,000 for the share of funding from the available resources of the internationalization fund (established by Regional Law n. 35/2016 and already committed for 13 mln. Euro, including the management expenses of the fund);

- Euro 1,500,000 for the share of non-repayable contribution based on autonomous resources


- the facility is granted up to 100% of eligible expenses, of which 80% in the form of subsidized financing and the remaining 20% in the form of a non-repayable contribution

- the annual nominal interest rate applied to the financing is fixed and is equal to 0%

- the amount of the facility that can be requested is between a minimum of 40,000 euros and a maximum of 500,000 euros. The duration of the loan is between 3 and 6 years, with a maximum grace period of 24 months.

Evaluation and disbursement

Projects will be evaluated according to the chronological order of submission of applications through a counter evaluation procedure. The new credit scoring of the Lombardy region is applied to this call.

50% of the amount of funding will be disbursed as an advance, the rest of the facility in the balance, including the non-refundable portion.

Presentation of applications

The application must be submitted exclusively online on the online bids platform of the Lombardy Region from 12.00 noon on April 20, 2021. Access is via SPID.

For more information visit the Regione Lombardia website or contact us at the link below.

Building your project together. All you have to do is fill out the form and we will get back as soon as possible.


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